
"CPC phenomenon" enriches human history

時間:2011-07-01 15:24   來源:Xinhua

BEIJING -- The successful story of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has long drawn attentions and admirations from worldwide.

As the party marks its 90th founding anniversary Friday, a lot of international observers went further to depict CPC's success as a historical phenomenon that revitalizes China, benefits the world and enriches human history.

What does the "CPC phenomenon" mean to China?

First of all, many observers say CPC's birth 90 years ago was a turning point for the destiny of an ancient nation, which was plagued by poverty, weakness and turbulence at the time. The fate of the Chinese nation had since become vitally interrelated with the leadership of the CPC.

From his personal experiences and observation, Stapleton Roy, former U.S. ambassador to China, concluded that there is a positive and intrinsic connection between China's path and the CPC.

In the eyes of Ali Al-Zayat, director of Confucius Institute of Suez Canal University, the reason that the CPC could undertake the mission of national revival is that it is deeply rooted in the people and serves the people. It shares the same interests with the Chinese nation.

What does the "CPC phenomenon" mean to the world?

Among the international observers' various views on the path of the CPC, a consensus was evident: that the CPC has again brought the Chinese nation into the spotlight on the world stage, offering benefits to China and the rest of the world alike.

German diplomat Mark Muller noted that it is a "legendary contribution" the CPC has made to the world that China, with such a large population, has become prosperous.

Factual evidence is abundant that China, under the leadership of the CPC, is an increasingly important force to safeguard world peace and development.

Spanish scholar Zigor said the "global effect" of the CPC's success is easily perceived following an objective evaluation and analysis of its role in coping with the international financial crisis and settling hot issues as well as in supporting and helping developing countries.

What does the "CPC phenomenon" mean to human history?

Song Luzheng, a commentator living in France, said contemporary China under the CPC leadership boasts unique institutional advantages: the ruling party maintains most direct contacts with the people, represents them in the real sense, governs more efficiently, and more firmly leads the Chinese nation on the road toward their lofty goal.

A host of international observers are of the view that in terms of the development of humanity, the practice of the CPC leading the Chinese people toward a just, democratic, prosperous and happy society offers a more convincing choice.

"An important phenomenon of the 21st century is that the new development mode under the leadership of the CPC has constantly made notable achievements, which gives enlightenment to human development," said Julio Vazquez, a professor from the University of Havana.

Indeed, with its 90-year efforts to steer China into prosperity, the CPC has left an impressive footprint in human history, and at the same time, greatly enriched human history. The CPC's successful experience is the treasure of the world and mankind.


